Amplifying Black Talent

Our programs aim to identify, build and celebrate black and BIPOC talent through innovative programming. Our four programs aim to address issues facing black and BIPOC communities using the Theory of Talent.

ABT Youth Program

We provide clinics for youth aged 5-12 to help them identify talents in five areas:
1. Academics
2. Sports
3. Technology
4. Performing Arts
5. Creative Arts

ABT Teen Program

We provide year-round workshops for teens aged 13-18 to help identify and build their talents. We then give the teens mentorship and internship opportunities.

ABT Young Adult Program

We provide a 4-week training course and Case Management services for youth aged 16-24 to identify and build talents that will allow them to obtain employment and educational opportunities.

ABT Adult Program

Our goal is to help unemployed and underemployed adults with career support. We provide one-on-one sessions and group workshops for adults aged 25-55 to identify and build their talents. We also provide resources for housing and mental health services.