Our Organization History

A Better Tomorrow Los Angeles Inc. was founded in 2021 by an Industrial Organizational Psychologist, Dr. Nicolas Miles. During his doctoral studies at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, he researched the Public Motivation Theory (PSM) and the Downtown Los Angeles Skid Row housing crises. The PSM theory aims to understand the motivation factors that get individuals to work in the nonprofit sector. This research project specifically looked at how individuals use their talents in other areas to support and address the issue of homelessness and humanitarian problems. The homeless crisis is a significant issue throughout Los Angeles County, and this research study focused on the area with the largest population of homelessness. Upon the completion of this study, Dr. Miles decided to use this data to address two core things identified:

1. To help individuals identify and build upon their talents and provide them with tools to use them to create a sustainable quality of life.

2. To prevent and address issues that cause homelessness for African Americans in Los Angeles County. African Americans represent 8% of the county population but are 34% of the individual’s experiencing homelessness.

Dr. Miles believes we can slow and then stop the cycle of African Americans and BIPOC individuals experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles County by creating this nonprofit that focuses on Amplifying Black and BIPOC Talent (ABT).

Why was ABTLA created?

ABTLA was created to address the underline issues impacting our youth, teens, at-risk young adults, and adults throughout Los Angeles County. Our organization aims to use the “Theory of Talent” to provide individuals and communities with the knowledge, tools, resources, and support to ensure a sustainable quality of life. Our ABT programs all focus on identifying, building, and celebrating talent.

What is the Theory of Talent?

“When a person is in their natural state of being, they use their core talent in a conscious, joyful and effortless way, contributing to the world the best they have to offer.”

Talent is defined as an inborn and unique ability that someone has, which is not to be confused with skills that can be sometimes easily acquired with repetition.

Our History


Year 1: Theory of Talent

Our Board Chair, Dr. Nicolas Miles, tested the Amplifying Black and BIPOC Talent model through multiple consulting projects.

• Oversight of Summer Camp using our 5-talent youth development curriculum.
• Oversight of Learn & Earn program for high school students using our talent assessment and internship placement.
• Oversight of College & Career Readiness program for graduating high school seniors, using our talent case management curriculum.
• Oversight of Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) for youth aged 14-24 utilizing our talent match assessment.
• Oversight of the Train & Earn program for adults that focuses on matching training and employment opportunities with our talent assessment.

These five projects allowed ABTLA to create the foundation of the talent approach to programming.


Year 2: Los Angeles-Based Services

• Youth Sports Basketball Clinic
• Youth Performing Arts Step Clinic
• Youth Creative Arts Fashion Clinic
• Youth Technology Coding Clinic
• Teen Identifying and Building Talent Workshop
• Teen “Is college for me?” Workshop
• Teen “Is trade school for me?” Workshop
• One-on-one Adult Coaching Sessions
• Adult Resume and Job Search Assistance.


Year 3: Amplifying Black & BIPOC Talent

• Saturday youth development program for Sports, Performing Arts, Creative Arts, Academics, and Technology.

• Teen workshops for identifying talent, college readiness, trade school options, entrepreneurship, mental health, and emotional development.

• Education and employment program for at-risk youth and young adults.

• One-on-one coaching and employment assistance for adults underemployed and unemployed.